*The theme works for:*- It is necessary *Substratum*- OMS ROMs (Custom Marshmallow with OMS3 commits).- Legacy ROMs (Nexus stock, AOSP Custom Marshmallow +).- ROOT is required.*PERSONALIZE WHATSAPP YOUR WAY:*
Choose the theme that you like:- Stock- Inn- Bryed- Blucle- Ewhats- Allo
You can choose the color you prefer theme:- Stock (the default theme color)- Theme for AMOLED (black theme)- Teal-Red- Green Light-Orange- Indigo-Pink- Brown-Lime- Red-Teal- Bluegrey-Red Choose change the color of the navigation bar or leave it black.Resizes the Action Bar.
To install: Open SUBSTRATUM, EWhats select and choose.